home - roberttaylor

 Hello. A warm welcome to my website. This is the place to come for the latest news on any new book releases, events I might be attending, offers and reviews.

This is the home for news about Sue-Beth Walters, Curt Richardson and Sean Bryant as well as their families, friends and associates. You will find short biographies of all the main characters inside the site.

I am intending to venture into a story about a subject other than the Home Security Team in 2024. Keep an eye out here for news. I think, at this stage, it will be a short story. That, though, is not guaranteed for apart from a starting place and a rough idea of a finishing place, I never really know where the story is going to take the characters and me, let alone you.

I am always keen to hear the views of readers and, like all authors, would appreciate good reviews on all the main sales platforms. I am happy to listen to well-founded criticism as well as amazing plaudits so have included a place for you to have your say.

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Coming in 2024:

Wish Dead List – novel
A Christmas Doll – short story
Christmas Down Under – short story
Rescue on an African River – short story

You can also follow me on social media: